Lucky click!

You've just won a free spin in the magical, wacky, crazy World of Vivo Vintage!

And it will be me, the Manu Lumpa of glitter, who will take you behind the scenes of this great little show that Vivo Vintage is.

If you first read Angelo's caption of our posts and then look at the bag, you're in the right place, you're about to discover the background of this Family of which you are officially part.

So ready??

Let the curtain open...

... Cinziaaa the door curtain broke again!!!

There you are: since you're at it, let's start with you!


He is of the sign of Virgo. It seems trivial but in your case it is not and, even if you don't believe in the horoscope, trust me: it applies to you!

A few days ago I calculated her ascendant ... still a Virgo!!!

So imagine her fussiness (to put it mildly): she prevents me from wrapping tickets because she knows I would do it by hand (she only uses sharp cutters), we cause hives every time we don't put a bag back in the right place and it would take better if the photos were centered.

Her super power is to see beyond: she understands if your bag has potential even if you sent her photos taken with the 2000 Motorola and if she asks you "how are you?" tremble, maybe you woke up positive but if she perceives that something is wrong then soon it won't!

All seasoned with a good dose of mammite and knowledge of life, when Hemingway spoke of a woman "made of iron and everything you like" he was probably thinking of her.

If she takes more than 72 hours to reply to your sales request, forgive her: she must be asking Angelo to add something Christmassy to the post, asking me to do a market research on your bag, Simona to check collections and Martina to start the printer.

All together.

I still wonder how he does it.


Angelo is the sentimental genius of the house.

You have to ask him things at least 3 times and run after him because he forgot the keys but when you're about to get really angry that's where you have to stop: he had the new idea of ​​the century and he even bothered to make you coffee.

Sample snacks and Vuitton, will be your friend, confidant and the best to help you choose the right bag.

His superpower is empathy: he doesn't know you but he already loves you and if you tell him how you bought your first bag you will have won him over forever.

He's touchy, it's true, but we forgive him everything and, even if we don't tell him often, he is our true glue.


Renamed Cruella Demon: she laughs only if she reaches her goal and talks more with excel than with us. You can ask him to rebook your bag collection even more than ten times, but don't ask him for a €1 discount.

She catalogs what comes in and what comes out, sticks us out when we're messy, distracted, late and you owe her your front row seat on the Broadcast List (write immediately on 346 7350973 if you don't know what I'm talking about!).

She dispenses orders that we will never follow but, undaunted, she insists.

When he puts on his glasses I go to the bathroom: his super power is about to explode, dictating the rules.


Behind that Latina Popstar beauty hides the brain of a nerd. Printers, cell phones and PCs have no secrets for her.

Don't trust his stars, always add one to your favorite bag: he dissected it to photograph it and upload it to the site and he will have found a speck of dust.

His super power is to improve: he takes the measurements of all the bags (and gets angry if we are wrong by 1 cm), rephotographs them at least 200 times and finds defects even where there are none.

And then there's me.. MANU

Happened here by a lucky chance, I'm living proof that Vivo Vintage is addictive, tried once you can't do without it. If I could choose, I would be reborn Manu of Vivo Vintage and Beyoncé on weekends.

In this case I give the floor to Angelo because to describe me only words come to mind like UNIQUE, stupendous, fascinating who makes circles and squares with his mind, but I know I also have defects, only that they are so much hidden that in 29 years I still can't find them.

Ok it's the touchy sentimental speaking now and it's only right that I say a few words for Manu, our positive energy from 9 until then he's hungry and, trust me, even if he's our super model he eats like the cowboys at steak contests in Texas.

Manu is the prosthesis of every part that I miss and wish I had. It's the serenity when I lose my patience, it's the calm when I'm about to freak out with Cinzia and the ready smile in my sad days. If needed, I can tell you what Manu's fault is. There is no other. Because if there was now... I'd be in the Maldives!

We love you Vintagine: even when you don't read the posts and ask for the price under the posts aimed at selling, when you don't say hello, when you ask for a thousand photos of bags that will never convince us. We are here to fulfill your every wish, we do everything possible to make you happy and forgive us if sometimes we are imperfect. We show you our love by showing you thousands and thousands of photos, following you in the purchase and even after, sanitizing your bag and monitoring it until it arrives in your hands. We would like to hug you one by one, get to know your dreams and fears and give you some joy because we know that buying the Perfect Bag is actually nothing more than this!

Yes, Cinzia, I'm coming ... I have to leave Vintagina for you: you have to send, collect, take pictures and eat the raw sandwich that Angelo brought!

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